Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Hello, Solstice.

Happy New Year!

Well, really I should say ‘Happy Winter Solstice’. Here's an idea I’ve been toying with for a few years now. Wouldn’t this be a great day to make all of our resolutions and plans for the upcoming year? This is the day that marks the shortest day of the calendar. We (in the north) are at the farthest point from the sun. Hibernation. Darkness. From this day forward, the sun is going to be more present each day, bringing us through Winter to Spring, and right to the the doorstep of Summer. These are the seasons of life and rebirth. So this is the time that I make my new plans and goals for the year. This is the time to Chase the Sunlight.

See what I did there??

In my head, in my planner, and on all of my lists, this blog entry was written back in August. I thought it would be best to just jump right into the blog when my teacher blog came to a temporary end. But I have really been struggling with what I want this to become. I’ve been trying to figure out what things I’m going to talk about, and how to follow one theme in my life. Over the past few months I have figured out that is what my theme should be. My life. It’s messy, its all over the place, but it’s mine.It will be organic. Whatever I’m doing and loving at the moment, I can share it. Whether it be a recipe, a home project, an outing with my husband, something about pets, or even something about relationships, I can write about it. I’m excited.

I’m excited to share with you my journey to Chase Sunlight. I read that phrase months ago in a tragic news article about a young woman who lost her life too soon. Friends remembered her as someone always looking for the next adventure, and mining out the joy in every situation. That is something I would love to be remembered for. Joy. Happiness. Laughter. It is far too easy for me to hole up in my house in sweats with the dogs on the couch binge watching Netflix for days at a time. So my goal in every day for this New Year is to Chase the Sunlight, find the joy, and embrace my life to the fullest. I hope you’ll join me.

When your eyes open tomorrow for the new day, smile and welcome the Sun.
